/sɑːm/ [Psalm.] work-in-progress VR exhibition at Gazelli Art House, London’s West End (Jan 2018)

/sɑːm/ [Psalm.] VR and 360° sound project. Work in progress VR at Gazelli, London, West End (January 2018).

Briefly about /sɑːm/ [Psalm.]

Appeals to emotion and personal belief and the dismissal of objective truths are the hallmarks of the politics of our time, and a powerful tool in the dissemination of extremist propaganda. The boundaries between fact and fiction, between right and wrong, are muddled. Our ability to make decisions on a sound foundation is compromised, undermining the very idea of freedom.

/sɑːm/ [Psalm.] tackles the issue by looking at the deployment of technology and digital aesthetics to influence, shape and manipulate beliefs, and by seeking to identify a counter-narrative.

The VR and 360° sound work is part of an evolving thematic project called /ˈhaʃtaɡ/ [#ashtag.] that marks the inauguration of a [futuristic] protest faith movement. 

/sɑːm/ [Psalm.] is developed with the support of Betalab, UKVR, Ravensbourne and Arts Council England.

Visit: http://gazell.io/author/eran-tsafrir/

© Eran Tsafrir. All rights reserved, and all moral rights are asserted and reserved.

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