/sɑːm/ [Psalm.]
Appeals to emotion and personal belief and the dismissal of objective truths are the hallmarks of the politics of our time, and a powerful tool in the dissemination of extremist propaganda. The boundaries between fact and fiction, between right and wrong, are muddled. Our ability to make decisions on a sound foundation is compromised, undermining the very idea of freedom.
/sɑːm/ [Psalm.] tackles the issue by looking at the deployment of technology and digital aesthetics to influence, shape and manipulate beliefs, and by seeking to identify a counter-narrative.
The VR and 360° sound work is part of an evolving thematic project called /ˈhaʃtaɡ/ [#ashtag.] that marks the inauguration of a [futuristic] protest faith movement.
/sɑːm/ [Psalm.] is developed with the support of Betalab, UKVR, Ravensbourne and Arts Council England.
Gazelli Digital Art House residency
In the course of 2018 work-in-progress material and elements of /sɑːm/ [Psalm.] were made public as part of a residency with Gazelli Digital Art House, and a VR demo piece was on show at Gazelli Art House's London (Mayfair, West End) space. See: http://www.erantsafrir.com/blog/s-m-psalm-work-in-progress-vr-at-gazelli-london; http://www.erantsafrir.com/blog/gazelli-digital-art.
* psalm
- 1A sacred song or hymn, in particular any of those contained in the biblical Book of Psalms and used in Christian and Jewish worship.‘a delightful setting of Psalm 150’
- 1.1 A book of the Bible comprising a collection of religious verses, sung or recited in both Jewish and Christian worship.
Old English (p)sealm, via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek psalmos ‘song sung to harp music’, from psallein ‘to pluck’.
(Oxford Dictionaries)