/ˈhaʃtaɡ/ [#ashtag.] // information

/ˈhaʃtaɡ/ [#ashtag.] marks the inauguration of The [Futuristic] Protest Faith Movement. 

It is created within the ambit of CX // conteXism. – a manifesto-driven initiative aimed at illuminating the interrelationships between art and the context (social, political, economic, religious, ethical, legal and technological) in which art is made and displayed. In the belief that art has the power to unravel the complexity, intricacy and multi-dimensionality of prevailing human and social reality and the forces that shape it, /ˈhaʃtaɡ/ [#ashtag.] serves as a trigger for debate about the global wave of protest we have been witnessing in recent years.

/sɑːm/ [Psalm.], a VR and 360° sound work that forms part of /ˈhaʃtaɡ/ [#ashtag.], is currently in development with the support of Betalab, UKVR, Ravensbourne and Arts Council England (see: /sɑːm/ [Psalm.]) . 

An experimental large-scale screening of visual digital and analogue elements took place in October 2015 @ The Block / Tel-Aviv, Israel (see: Posts). 

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